Education in the Age of Industry 4.0: Industry- Academic Collaboration

One day Conference

The Industrial Strategy Green Paper (2017) highlights the importance of developing workforce skills to meet future challenges, and there is recognition, both nationally and within Greater Lincolnshire that more needs to be done to prepare current and future workforces for the challenges and opportunities of digitalisation.

In manufacturing and engineering, industrial digitalisation is thought to be driving the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0 (I4.0)) through developments and implementation in areas such as robotics, imaging, sensing, AI, web-connectedness etc.

In January 2018 the University of Lincoln secured funding from the Office for Students to pump-prime the co-creation of a suite of modules and curricula to equip our graduates and workplace learners to meet the digitalisation challenges that our industrial partners face now and in the future.

This one day national conference is an opportunity to share University of Lincoln findings from the Industrial Digitalisation project and to hear from industry and other educational establishments on their strategies to meet the workforce challenges of Industry 4.0.

This event will take place on Monday 29 July 2019 between 11am and 5pm in the Isaac Newton Building at the University of Lincoln. Tickets are free and lunch/refreshments will be provided.

Speakers include:

Martin Collison - Director of Collison & Associates Ltd - rural & agri-food development consultants. Specialties: Farming innovation and policy, rural development, skills and education, sustainable development

Dr Kamaran Fathulla - Senior Lecturer in Industrial Digitalisation - University of Lincoln

Gyles Lingwood - Director of Education College of Arts - University of Lincoln

Dr Tim Jackson - Reader and the Undergraduate Admissions Tutor in the Department of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering University of Birmingham

Dr Steve Jones Connected - Curriculum Lead Working at Liverpool John Moores University for Siemens plc

Jake Norman - OAL Group - application of digital technologies in food manufacturing

For further details or queries email or phone 01522 886826

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